academist and Sysmex R&D Center Europe will solicit innovative basic research themes for shaping the advancement of healthcare from researchers residing in Europe by utilizing academist Grant’s crowdfunding scheme. Any nationality of researchers is acceptable.
Applicants who have passed the first round of screening will hold out their research themes and try crowdfunding through academist. Sysmex R&D Center Europe will provide additional funding to those challengers who have secured the target amount of funds.
Please check the grant application guide for further information.
An online information session on Sysmex RDCE × academist program for researchers will be held on 14 March. If you're interested, feel free to join us!
Looking for researchers / research themes
academist Grant
Looking for researchers / research themes
academist Grant
Based on the meaning of the Sysmex Group in society: “Shaping the advancement of healthcare”, Sysmex R&D Center Europe GmbH is looking for European researchers through academist crowdfunding. Our purpose is to find scientific investigations with high public interests = with high social value. We can find such investigations using crowdfunding during our selection process. Whom archives crowdfunding goal receives the additional grant from Sysmex R&D Center Europe.
Do you believe your current investigation can be applied to treatment or diagnosis in any healthcare field? We are looking for applications from researchers and postgraduate students who need funds to verify this!
Nowadays the collaboration between industry and academia is indispensable to bring innovation in society. Therefore, we aim to create opportunities for collaborative research between Sysmex R&D Center Europe and academic researchers.
Crowdfunding is not only to raise funds but also to create a community around the researchers. This activity will build a wide network of supporters from diverse . It will be an opportunity for researchers and postgraduate students to connect with industry through their investigations and find supporters including our company.
Total amount
1,216,982 JPY